+234 802 303 3349



 Principally, we engage in project conception, planning, organization, execution, refurbishment and management in the infrastructural sector, being a fully integrated construction company, our core competences span building, civil, mechanical, electrical, and public health engineering services.

On account of our technical partnership with ESSEX CONSTRUCTION LLC, MARYLAND, USA, a company that has exercised technical supervision and executive oversight in the successful completion of various construction projects valued in excess of $1 billion; we are suitably positioned to respond to our client’s request regardless of scope, cost or complexity.

Additionally, our membership of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF HOME BUILDERS OF THE USA guarantees a stable source of financial and technical support.

Our principal’s executive membership of REDAN (Real Estate Developers Association of Nigeria), continually provides direct funding access to both the FEDERAL MORTGAGE BANK of NIGERIA and SHELTER AFRIQUE, two active and reputable local real estate development fund providers.